
Ahh, to Dream...


How badassular could it get? Well, when Capt. Chimp Chimpley and the Hon. Judge Ape Vigoda chose their weapons, they both passed on the jagged, angular rocks and chose musket pistols! It's like they're evolving right before my eyes...in my mind.


Problems: Everybody's Got Them, part 3


Stupid hockey puck.

My Problems With Girls - #1


Nothing in this world is fair.

My Girlfriend is Swedish!


Yeah, she's digital...but she's got all the right buttons, baby!

Friends Are Stupid


It's tough to trust people. Especially when everyone is a prick.


Problems: Everybody's Got Them, part 2

this is what i'm talking about. i'm really getting the self assessment thing down.

Problems: Everybody's Got Them

i am in the process of evaluating everything that is wrong with me, and i intend to document it all here, and transform it in to some kind of quasi-entertainment for all mankind. That's pretty self-aggrandizing and lofty.... i better write that down too.